conferência internacional ICDS 12 31 de Maio e 1 de Junho
curso 29 e 30 de maio de 2012
sessões especiais
4a Jornada Transnacional
11 de JUN de 2010

Apresentações Orais
Objectives, activities, end products and results dissemination
M. Salta, LNEC, PT
Maintenance and decision tools
Alan O´Connor, TCD, IR
Concrete Maintenance and Repair
M.Basheer, QUB, UK
Steel maintenance and repair
F. Schoefs, GeM, FR
Smart and green materials for Repair of Transportation Structures
A. Silva, LNEC, PT
Bridge Inspection and Repair
L.Duffy, NRA, IR
Maintenance and repair of bridges
J.Kelly, Roughan O'Donovan Consulting Engineers, IR